Everything Kids
Ages 3 years to 12 years old. This section contains information related to all things related to kids development, play time, speech, moods, and learning.
The Latest From Kids at Play
Guide To Summer Fun With The Kids
Parenting, Kids, and Summer Fun This summer is my first one home with both my children, ages 3 & 6 years old. I was a little worried that I was not going to be able to keep them entertained and from fighting with each other all the time. I have to say, thus far...
Summer Fun for Preschoolers • Gross Motor Development
Summer Fun for Preschoolers • Gross Motor Development Sometimes simple and cheap ideas are the best to provide entertainment and develop fine and gross motor development and eye hand coordination. Here are a few of my favorite ideas: Flash Light Fun...
The Importance of Play – Social Development In Children
The importance of play with children. Kids learn from other children when they pretend play and it also helps to improve creative thinking. Some benefits of play are the fact that they can run around all day and get a goodnights rest.
Child-Led Play Enhances Parent-Child Relationships And Social Development In Children
Child-Led Play Enhances Parent-Child Relationships And Social Development In Children What is Child-Led Play? Child-led play is a particular way of playing with your young child that involves following their lead, letting them make the decisions and being an active...
Five Financial Games to Play to Raise Savvy Kids
What better way to raise financially literate kids than with these 5 classic financial games? Educating kids about financial literacy is important; they need to grow up to make good choices and become smart consumers.
What Is Play Therapy And Is It Right For Your Child?
What Is Play Therapy And Is It Right For Your Child? There is a common uncertainty among parents as to what constitutes play therapy and when this is the right step for their child or family. Play is one of the most important ways we have of communicating...
The Latest From Speech & Language
Helpful Tips for Encouraging Language Development in Babies
Here are a few strategies caregivers can implement right away to help encourage your baby’s language development. I think you can make a big impact during these early childhood development stages.
Do Your Own Speech Therapy For Kids!
Do Your Own Speech Therapy For Kids! When I first became a new mom I quickly realized that being a Speech Pathologist and a mom has it’s advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are, the access to highly engaging and vocabulary rich activities, the knowledge of speech...
8 Tips for Early Speech Therapy for Kids
8 Tips for Early Speech Therapy for Kids Tips to Get your Child to Talk! – Early Speech Therapy for Kids Parents often make comments such as; “My child is not speaking because he is “lazy”, OR “His older brother speaks for him!” The thing is, your child would speak if...
Bilingualism: What You Should Know
Bilingualism: What You Should Know About Bilingualism And Your Child’s Language Development. Your native language is Spanish, and you want to teach your child to speak both English and Spanish but you worry it will cause confusion and language delay. I’m...
Language Activities – Take it Outside, Part 1
Language Activities That You Can Take Outside Part 1 Language Activities and Kids - Get the kids outside! A lot of people think that speech and language therapy consists of flashcards and worksheets. However, there are some fabulous activities that will keep your...
Speaking Of Speech – Is Bilingualism A Reason To Seek Speech Therapy For Kids?
Speaking Of Speech – Is Bilingualism A Reason To Seek Speech Therapy For Kids? Your native language is Spanish, and you want to teach your child to speak both English and Spanish but you worry it will cause confusion and language delay. I’m here to tell you, not to...
The Latest From Fitness
What’s up with W-sitting? Are Core Stability Exercises Needed?
What is W-sitting? W-sitting is when a child sits on the floor with their bum between their legs, and their knees are bent in front of them, and their legs are rotated away from their body. From a birds-eye view, it looks like the legs are forming a “W.”
The importance of kids’ exercise and being a good role model for kids
Regular physical activity has been shown to improve health in at least two ways: improved cardiovascular and metabolic health, lowered blood pressure, and reduced diabetes risk. Your emotional well-being and mental health will also be improved, with virtually no chances for depression or anxiety.
Is strength training safe for children?
How does strength training work? In younger children who are pre-pubertal, strength training works by increasing the number of nerve connections so that when your body fire’s a muscle contraction, it will be more powerful. Your muscles don’t actually “get big” or...
How To Get The Kids Moving
How To Get The Kids Moving This Summer I don’t know about you but this beautiful warm weather always inspires me to get outside and get moving! Exercise seems so much more appealing when the sun is shining and the weather is good. Getting the kids moving can be pretty...
10 Active Family Outings From Kids Swimming Pools To The Zoo
10 Active Family Outings From Kids Swimming Pools To The Zoo You don’t need to go far from home to enjoy some active family fun this summer. In fact, rediscovering your own community or city can offer the most fun of all. Put on some sunscreen, pack a picnic, bring...
Running Back To Running After Having A Baby
Running Back To Running After Having A Baby My happiness is measured in weekly running mileage, not daily diapers changes. So after having a baby, I was eager to get back to running as quickly as possible. Running gives me back my sanity, helps me through the fatigue...
The Latest From Tantrums & Moods
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety disorder can cause a child distress in many different ways but there are times where some children don’t react or seem bothered by it at all- this depends largely upon what stage of development they’re currently going through.
Avoid Tantrums in Toddlers and Discipline Children Like a Pro
For those of you with toddlers or those who have gone through toddler phase, you deserve a huge award. It can be so challenging some days! You might not know it, but battling tantrums in 3 year olds is really the same as tantrums in 4 year olds! Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks for managing tantrums in toddlers
5 Strategies To Help Decrease Tantrums
Dreaded tantrums! The crying, whining, begging, head slamming, scream fests can make parenting feel completely overwhelming. Here are 5 great strategies for dealing with tantrums.
Avoiding Toddler Tantrums – Part 1
Avoiding Toddler Tantrums and Disciplining Like A Pro We have two toddlers in my house nowadays. It is fun and exciting watching them grow, but quite a pain at times as well. For those of you with toddlers, or for those that went through this phase, you deserve an...
How To Discipline A Toddler Through Positive Parenting
How To Discipline A Toddler Through Positive Parenting One of the most challenging aspects of parenting is knowing how to discipline a toddler. Have you ever told your child, ‘I will take you to McDonalds if you listen’ or ‘I will count to 3 and then……’ These words...
How To Discipline A Toddler – Do Timeouts Work?
How To Discipline A Toddler - Do Timeouts Work? Having to discipline children is something that every parent has to deal with. Regardless of what you are thinking, your child is not perfect, and even perfect children test their boundaries. Testing boundaries is a...
The Latest From Safety For Kids
Internet safety for kids – How to keep kids safe on the internet!
Children face several threats when using the internet, including harassment, cyberbullying, privacy invasion, and exposure to sexual or generally inappropriate content. Although you can use apps and tracking software to ensure that your kids are safe online, these methods can easily get breached.
Talking to Your Kids About Strangers and Staying Safe on Halloween
Halloween is a time for fun and exciting costumes, trying to scare others as well as getting to go out trick-or-treating with your children, but as your children get older, around 4 years of age (from my personal experience) it is time to talk about dealing strangers....
Sun Safety For Kids
Sun Safety For Kids Sun care is an important topic of health and safety for children. I am sure it seems far away right now, but the summer is coming and soon we will need to be protecting our children and ourselves. It is a balance, as our children do need vitamin D,...
Keeping Your Children Safe During the Holiday Season
Keeping Your Children Safe with These Great Tips December is a month filled with celebration and fun with our family and friends, and keeping your children safe is, of course, a priority. Our homes and neighborhoods are beautifully decorated and lit. Unfortunately,...
Childproofing Basics
Childproofing your home will help prevent accidental injuries to new movers, active toddlers, and curious preschoolers, so exploring can be fun and adventure filled.
For mom & dad, we always suggest getting down on your knees … read more
‘13’ Halloween Safety Tips – The Quick and Dirty
‘13’ Halloween Safety Tips – The Quick and Dirty Have a fabulous Halloween knowing you are being safe! Here are my favorite Halloween safety tips: Avoid trick or treating alone. Walk in groups and adults should always accompany kids. Costumes and jackets should have...
The Latest From School & Learning
What is Attention Deficit Disorder?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that is usually diagnosed in childhood but may extend into adulthood. Someone with ADHD is generally restless, has problems paying attention, and usually acts on impulse (with no care of the outcome).
How Does Learning Happen?
How does learning happen follows four foundations, belonging, well-being, expression, and engagement. These foundations are geared to ensure that children are reaching optimal learning and development.
6 Ways To Get Your Kids Excited for Back To School
6 Ways To Get Your Kids Excited for Back To School I can't believe my oldest son, Dylan, is starting Junior Kindergarten this year and my youngest is starting pre-nursery. Despite the fact I still call them my babies, the truth is they are growing up. I think most...
Is Your Child Ready To Begin School?
Is your child ready to begin school? Parents often worry that their preschoolers may not have the preparation or maturity needed to succeed in today’s kindergarten programs. Not all children entering kindergarten will have similar skills and needs, however, there...
6 Ways to Bust Back To School Jitters?
6 Ways to Bust Back To School Jitters? I can't believe my oldest son, Dylan, is starting Junior Kindergarten this year and my youngest is starting pre-nursery. Despite the fact I still call them my babies, the truth is they are growing up. I think most parents feel...
10 Tips For Back To School Success
Back To School Success - 10 Tips For Parents It’s time for back to school, your kids are excited and maybe a little nervous. For the child with a learning difficulty, going back to school can be especially anxiety provoking. So how can a parent help her child...

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