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I love educating parents and caregivers through
television, radio, print and social media.

I love educating parents and caregivers through television, radio, print and social media.



Dr Dina Kulik, founder of Kidcrew Medical
Kidcrew Medical
Parent Playbook

My Latest Books

Dr Dina Kulik - Book - New Mom: You Got This

New Mom: You Got This!

Dr Dina Kulik - Book - The Scoop On Poop

The Scoop On Poop!

It's Time To Sleep - Author Dr. Dina Kulik

It's Time To Sleep

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Why Anxious Parents Can Lead To Anxious Kids

Why Anxious Parents Can Lead To Anxious Kids

Do your kids seems anxious? Let's talk about how anxious parents can lead to anxious kids. A few years ago, I had a camper that lost it. I can't tell you where she's from or anything else about her except to say that at age 12, this lovely child fell apart. I'd known...

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Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health blog


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Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health blog


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Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health - Constipation Management

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