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How Do You Make French Toast? Our Best French Toast Recipe Shared!


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How Do You Make French Toast? Our Best French Toast Recipe Shared!

Around our house weekend lunch is a time for fun. Especially when the kids can help, and our boys love helping. This is one of the reasons why they are willing to try just about everything we put in front of them. They have trust in us as they watch and participate in the cooking process. Recently, I fancied up my French Toast recipe. It is no longer just a simple egg batter but more of a work of art that creates a beautifully sweet, but not over the top French Toast that really needs no added syrup or toppings.


How do you make French toast like us?

Our best French toast recipe:


Quick Tips:

  • Gluten free? Try a gluten free rice or flax loaf (my personal fave)

  • Want a lower-glycemic sugar choice? Try real maple syrup or palm sugar

  • Cut into shapes for little kids to enjoy

Want other ideas for a healthy breakfast for kids?

Or lunch ideas for toddlers?

How about easy dessert recipes for kids?

Andrew Levy PhD

Written By: Andrew Levy PhD

Andrew obtained his PhD from the University of Waterloo in Physiology, a topic not entirely having to do with with kids health specifically. Andrew’s expertise in kids health and raising children stems from his now 4+ years of direct hands on experiences with 4 young boys. My goal is to share some practical advice and some of the little not-so-perfect things my kids have done and how we managed to figure it all out so you can too.

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