General Health
Covering all things related to general health and well being for the whole family.
The Latest From Nutrition
How To Boost your Immune System in 6 Easy Steps
How to boost your immune system and your kids’ immune system NATURALLY. BONUS: This has a spillover effect on every area of health, including your mood! And this can make a difference for everyone in your family.
How Sugar Affects Children’s Brains
Sugar is taking a devastating toll on our children’s health. Sugar hijacks the brain. When sugar hits the brain theirs a reward center, it acts in the same way a drug does: it releases a surge of dopamine that makes us feel good initially, but that lift doesn’t last. Over time, we need more and more sugar to get that same boost. This starts the cycle of cravings, and in vulnerable children, addictions are often formed.
What to Eat for Constipation
You may have heard conflicting stories about what to eat, making you remain undecided. Well, this article is here to give you guidelines on how you can remedy the situation. We will focus on the foods to eat for constipation.
What should you do if your child doesn’t want to eat meat?
I hear from families often that their child has decided they do not want to eat meat. Sometimes it’s picky eating, sometimes it’s a profound concern for eating animals. Many children and adults have nutritious diets with no meat protein. There are certain things to keep in mind when considering a vegetarian or vegan diet, but it can be done safely and healthfully.
How true is the concept of “an apple a day…”
The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” originates from the 19th century. Apples contain many essential compounds for health and disease prevention, including fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
5 Natural Ways to Support Your Kids Immune System
We can further protect ourselves and our kids by maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. Here are five supplements that I commonly recommend to support the immune system, prevent infection, ease symptoms, and shorten a disease’s duration.
The Latest From Recipes
Recipe for Nutty Golden Blondies
Sweet potatoes are an excellent ingredient for babies and kids. They are loaded with multivitamins, beta carotene, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and minerals. In addition, their naturally sweet flavor and incredibly moist, creamy texture make them extra delicious.
Banana Sushi – a Healthy Snack Idea!
Banana Sushi – Are you struggling with healthy snack ideas? Kids’ healthy snack ideas can be challenging to think of! Many kids find it challenging to get enough healthy fat and protein into their diets. A lot of kids favor carbs and dairy.
Crunchy Strawberry Popsicles – Healthy Dessert Ideas!
These refreshingly cold sugar-free popsicles are an alluring 3-layered bite. The creamy strawberry yogurt and banana-flavored popsicle has a fun fruity crunch held in place delectably by the middle layer of white chocolate.
Healthy Breakfast For Kids – Gluten-Free French Toast
Gluten-Free French Toast – Healthy breakfast choices don’t have to be bland. In fact, they can be tasty! Dr. Dina’s Healthy Recipes for Kids
Recipe for Healthy Savoury Muffins
Healthy muffins are a great way to start the day. These healthy recipes can be stored ahead of time, and grab them on your way out the door for an easy breakfast or snack!
Dessert for Breakfast Sundae
Healthy breakfast? Some days, we are craving something new, something exciting – a healthy breakfast you AND your kids will devour, and you’ll know that they filled up their bellies with nutrition, with vitamins and minerals, fiber, healthy fat, and protein.
The Latest From Dental Health
I Owe My Smile to Dr. B
When I was in grade 8, like so many other kids, I got braces. Thankfully I didn’t have braces for very long, but I didn’t love the experience. I don’t think anyone does. But you know what? I am SO glad I got them. My teeth are straight, and they align well and I can eat all my favorite foods. It may have seemed like a nuisance but was worth it. Thanks Dr. B!
Why Are Kids Still Getting Cavities?
We're So Well Informed, So Why Are Kids Still Getting Cavities? We know more now more than ever about how to prevent cavities. We know we should eat healthy, clean our teeth properly and see our dentist every 6 months. Why is the incidence of cavities is on the rise?...
Choosing the Right Toothbrush for Your Child – Is A Kids Electric Toothbrush Best?
Choosing the Right Toothbrush for Your Child – Is A Kids Electric Toothbrush Best? Once again you find yourself in the Oral Health section of the grocery/pharmacy/superstore staring at row upon row of toothbrushes, feeling exasperated and overwhelmed. Which to choose...
Top 5 Ways To Prevent Tooth Decay
Top 5 Ways To Prevent Tooth Decay What is a cavity? Let’s start at the beginning…what is a cavity? By definition, a cavity is a hole or space inside something. When dentists talk about a tooth having a cavity, we are referring to the destruction of tooth structure by...
What Are Orthodontic Expanders Used For?
What Are Orthodontic Expanders Used For? “My daughter is 9 years old and her adult teeth are already crowded. Her upper back teeth also bite inside her lower back teeth. My orthodontist said this is called a crossbite, and recommended that she get an expander...
How Many Baby Teeth Before You See The Dentist? Just One!
How Many Baby Teeth Before You See The Dentist? Just One! Beyond all the noble goals listed by the AAPD (see my last blog) as reasons to establish a dental home by a child’s first birthday or first tooth, there are really two overriding good reasons to bring your...
The Latest From Your Body
What To Do for Painful Constipation in a Child
Painful constipation is a prevalent issue that many kids experience. Nowadays, painful constipation in kids is especially frequent because many children overeat processed food, too little fiber, and drink too little water. They are probably following the model of adults who tend to lack a proper diet as well!
How to Ensure Kids Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can creep on your little ones fast. If it does, you want to be able to tell right away and work to rehydrate them. Let’s make sure your dehydration radar is up-to-date so you know what to detect.
What is Myopia? Can Kids Get Myopia from Digital Eyestrain?
While virtual school allows our kids to continue to learn from the safety of their homes, it does raise concerns for digital eyestrain and the development of myopia. Digital eye strain is more common when we are looking at a computer screen several hours a day.
Dry Skin Relief for Baby Eczema
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can appear at any time of a child’s life. Eczema can form on any area of the body. Eczema causes the skin to become dry and inflamed in patches, leading to rough, itchy, and sometimes painful skin.
How do you Get Lice?
Head lice are tiny insects that live in the hair of an infected person’s scalp or on a hat, scarf, or other clothing. They feed by biting skin cells off from humans’ scalps; this can lead to itching for those who have itches but do not see any signs yet.
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need? Which Vitamin D Supplement is Best?
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need? The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Pediatric Society say babies and children should get at least 400-600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day. Most babies, kids, and adults do not get this much vitamin D.
The Latest From Healthy Sleep
5 Back to School Plan Tips for Your Child’s Sleep Schedule
School is fast approaching once again, which means relaxed summertime schedules are coming to an end. So now is a great time to start getting your child back on a regular sleep schedule and routine so that they are ready to start the first day with a smile on their face.
5 Tips to Get Your Child’s Sleep Schedule Back on Track for School
5 Tips to Get Your Child’s Sleep Schedule Back on Track for School School is fast approaching once again, which means relaxed summer time schedules are coming to an end. Now is a great time to start getting your child back on a regular sleep schedule and routine so...
‘Why Cant I Sleep?’ – Electronic Devices May Be To Blame
‘Why Cant I Sleep?’ – Electronic Devices May Be To Blame Routines are an excellent way to help make the transition from being awake, to falling asleep. For infants and children, a typical bedtime routine should last approximately 20-30 minutes. Don’t be afraid to...
How To Get Good Sleep Over The Holidays
How to Get Good Sleep Over the Holidays With the holiday season quickly approaching, how to get good sleep can be an important factor. With all the special events and visiting that families may partake in, it's not unusual for parents to worry about how to get good...
5 Things To Help You Sleep Soundly Even When Your Toddler Wants To Climb Out Of The Crib
5 Things To Help You Sleep Soundly Even When Your Toddler Wants To Climb Out Of The Crib Many parents are quick to transition their toddlers from crib to bed the minute their little one either attempts or succeeds in climbing out of the crib. Once your toddler...
Lovey Love – Encouraging a Healthy Sleep Transition Object
Lovey Love – Encouraging a Healthy Sleep Transition Object A lovey, or a transitional object, is a blankie, doll or stuffed toy that a child attaches to for comfort. It becomes their beloved companion, and will be dragged everywhere the child goes. Lovies become an...
The Latest From Health Care
What Do We Know About the Kid Vaccine for COVID-19?
Currently, only the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is approved by Health Canada for children 12 years of age and older. Health Canada has not approved the vaccine for children younger than 12 years of age. Clinical trials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in children aged 6 months to 11 years are currently underway.
What Is Phimosis
What Is Phimosis An uncircumcised penis is covered by a ring of tissue called the foreskin. This tissue is usually loose and is able to slide over the penis to cover and uncover the glans (head of the penis). If the foreskin is too tight, it can close causing...
Flu Shot or Nasal Spray – Which to Choose?
Flu Shot or Nasal Spray - Which to Choose? We can't deny that viral season is upon us. My office and emergency room is filled with children and parents with runny noses, coughs, fevers and fatigue. Many worry it's the dreaded enterovirus-68, with fear over respiratory...
Understanding Developmental Coordination Disorder
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a chronic motor skills disorder that impairs a child's ability to perform everyday tasks. Here's what you ought to know. As a pediatric physiotherapist, I get to spend most of my day cuddling cute babies and playing in a...
Inner Ear Problems? From Ear Wax?
How Can I Get Rid Of Stubborn Ear Wax? In my experience, there are two types of parents in the world: those that could care less about their kid’s waxy ears, and those that despise ear wax and perseverate on the sticky stuff. I am asked at least once a day how to get...
Dyslexia In Adults
What is Dyslexia in Adults As dyslexia is becoming more discussed in the media, you may commonly see dyslexia in adults portrayed in an increasingly positive light. Some of history’s greatest inventors, entrepreneurs, artists, and architects have been dyslexic. At...

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