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Canada Day And Evening Snacks Recipes


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Canada Day And Evening Snacks Recipes

On this amazing Canada Day, we encourage you to get outside, run around and play with your kids. After all this activity, have a snack!

I bet the kids would love it if you pulled out a special themed treat to enjoy!

Some Canada Day and evening snacks recipes:

  • Cut watermelon or sandwiches into maple leaf shapes
  • Put some strawberries and marshmallows onto a stick
  • Tomatoes and boccincini or mozzarella cheese on a stick
  • White chocolate dipped pretzels
    • Melt white chocolate, dip half a pretzel in, sprinkle on red sprinkles and lay on baking sheet, refrigerate until set

And to cool off after a day of activity a fun in the sun enjoy a red and white popsicle!

Doctor Dina Health Advice for Kids - canada day 4


Quick Tips:

  • Try raspberry or strawberry, or ever cranberry if you like tart tastes!

  • Do half berry and half yogurt for an easier popsicle

  • Swirl berries and yogurt together to have a marble look

  • Have fun and make with your kids!

Want other easy dessert recipes for kids?

Unsure what to make for breakfast?

Allison Madigan, DHN

Written By: Allison Madigan, DHN

Allison Madigan is a holistic nutritionist. She has a strong belief in the power of food and proper nutrition to keep us in our best health and prevent disease. Allison’s goal is to empower people to make healthy and mindful decisions for themselves and their families to achieve optimal health. She has a keen interest in food sensitivities and allergies and helping families navigate this as she has gone through this with her own daughter.

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