Kids Health Blog
with Dr. Dina Kulik
Mom, Pediatrician,
Emergency Medicine Doctor,
Dr. Dina and her team of child health and parenting experts share their knowledge, tips, and tricks.
The Latest From The Blog
6 Tips for Sleep Training Your Baby
6 Tips For Sleep Training & Help Your Early Riser Sleep In Do you have a baby or toddler that wakes up early in the morning? A reasonable wake up time for a child is anywhere from 5:30-7:00am, but some children are up before that time wide awake and ready to...
Finger and Thumb Sucking
Finger and Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Habits Sucking is a natural reflex for an infant – it allows them to know how to feed as soon as they are born! It is soothing and can often help babies and children fall asleep. It can be a very healthy habit for kids early on....
Do I have ADHD?
Is ADHD related to my technology use? In 2001, the term digital natives was introduced into the lexicon of parents. In short, it refers to the “first generations of children growing up fluent in the language of computers, video games, and other technologies.” Ask any...
Toys for 1 year olds – Water Bottle Shakers
Toys for 1 year olds - Water Bottle Shakers Children are naturally inquisitive and learn best through play. As parents and child care practitioners, we can support children's learning by understanding development and providing a stimulating environment. This blog...
Wetting the bed – a sign of something more serious?
Wetting the bed – a sign of something more serious? What is enuresis (bedwetting)? Though most children are toilet trained between two and four years of age, wetting the bed still occurs in about 40% of three-year-olds and 20% of five-year-olds. Even 1 percent of...
Cradle Cap – What Is That Sticky Yellow Stuff?
Cradle Cap – What Is That Sticky Yellow Stuff? Cradle cap is essentially baby dandruff. Usually it looks yellow, greasy or scaly, and presents in patches over the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes or any other area of the body. It may appear as dry patches on the scalp....
Types of Acne and Their Treatment
Acne can be a miserable by-product of puberty, affecting 85% of all teenagers. It is caused by an inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and it triggers a variety of skin problems. Whiteheads and blackheads (comedones) are follicles that are blocked...
Fun Family Vacations – Traveling with your Kids
Fun Family Vacations - Traveling with your Kids With the winter cold in full swing, many of my patients are going south for some warmer weather. I think the best vacations for kids occur when parents are prepared and stress free. Here is what I suggest that you take...
Your Home and Car First Aid Kit
Your Home and Car First Aid Kit As the weather warms up, we will be outside more often. Unfortunately, cuts and scrapes and sometimes broken bones accompany kids and outdoor play. There are a variety of commercially available first aid kits on the market. We purchased...