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Make Ahead Pumpkin Freezer Waffles


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Make Ahead Pumpkin Freezer Waffles

For many of us getting our children (and ourselves) out the door in the morning can be stressful and feel rushed. It’s important to have systems in place that work for your family to ensure each family member has everything they need for the day and that everyone arrives safely and on time.

Unfortunately, in the chaos of our morning routines, breakfast can often slip to the bottom of the priority list and we rely on the ease and convenience of prepackaged foods more often than not. Caught in this trap, our family grew tired of cereals that weren’t filling enough for our growing boys. But there’s no need to buy boxed frozen waffles at the store!

Taking a cue from our love of our weekend ritual of freshly made pancakes and waffles, I’ve taken my weekday breakfasts to a new level by batch cooking and freezing. The result is a warm, filling breakfast packed with protein and healthy goodness that everyone in our family loves.

Quick Tips:

  • Don’t skip the oil in the wet ingredient mix. The pumpkin puree will stick to your waffle maker even if the surface has been well greased.
  • Use mini chocolate chips to avoid creating a mess in your toaster.
  • Depending on the size of your waffle maker, this recipe yields 10 to 12 waffles.

No need to buy frozen waffles! You can make your own healthy pumpkin freezer waffles and enjoy them all year long with this recipe from Rebecca Earl!

Rebecca Earl

Written By: Rebecca Earl

Rebecca is an infant and child sleep consultant and founder of The Sugar Plum Sleep Co. She is an only child (because she never slept as an infant), a mother of two young boys and an HGTV addict.

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