Jenn Kelner, CPA CA

Written By: Jenn Kelner, CPA CA

Jenn Kelner is a mother of three children, including twins, and a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant at BabyZzz. Just as every family is unique, Jenn supports many different sleep methods and works directly with families to design a solution that will help them become well-rested, happy families.

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Child Or Baby Not Sleeping After The Holidays?

Baby Sleep

Baby Not Sleeping?

Getting Your Child’s Sleep Back on Track

Is your baby not sleeping after the busy holidays? I always talk about sticking to a routine and schedule, even during the busy times, but I will be the first to admit that it wasn’t easy to do this past holiday season. With family visiting, special outings, and exciting new toys to play with, it’s was next to impossible to get my preschoolers in bed on time.

I always say “get your child in bed when they are drowsy, but prior to become overtired, as it becomes very difficult for them to go to sleep.” I experienced this first hand twice when I tried to put my twins to bed at 1:20pm instead of 1pm sharp.

Why do babies fight sleep on holidays?!

They just would not sleep.

Many families I work with would call me in a panic and ask “WHAT DO I DO???”

What I didn’t do, was panic. I knew I couldn’t make them sleep. But I also knew that they would be tired later on and I would have to be cognizant of that.

Author Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health Books

Baby not sleeping post holiday?

This is what I would do, and what I did: nothing, at first.

For just under two hours they bounced around their cribs, sang songs and played games with each other.

I did some work, took a shower and made some lunch for myself. What I didn’t do, was panic.

I knew I couldn’t make them sleep. But I also knew that they would be tired later on and I would have to be cognizant of that.

Around 3pm they suddenly went very quiet, and I knew the second wind had worn off and they were going to fall asleep. So I got them up. If they fell asleep at 3, they would sleep until 5, then how would I get them to bed on time?

The whole evening and night would have been thrown off and I would have very cranky, tired children the next day. So I got them up, and planned for an earlier bedtime that night.

Think they might sleep in? Think again. Their internal clock is set to wake at the same time every day, and it was right on time. But, I didn’t panic.

Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health Blog - baby not sleeping

We also had a few nights where they didn’t get to bed on time.

Dinner ran late, and I just couldn’t get my act together. They were a little hyper at bedtime, but I kept my cool, confident attitude and got them in bed after a shortened routine.

Sure enough, the later bedtime backfired and they both woke up once in the night which hardly ever happens in my house.

Think they might sleep in?

Think again.

Their internal clock is set to wake at the same time every day, and it was right on time.

But, I didn’t panic.

I knew they would be a little tired that day, so I made sure their naptime was on time, and they went to bed a little earlier that night. Crisis averted.

Life happens! Don’t panic, read your child’s cues and understand that they might need a little extra sleep.

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I’m telling these “baby not sleeping” stories to help ease your mind

I’m telling these stories to help ease your mind about a missed nap or a later bedtime, but also to help you know what to do.

Life happens!

Don’t panic, read your child’s cues and understand that they might need a little extra sleep.

If you don’t make an effort to make up on that lost sleep, you may find that your child’s overall healthy sleep suffers as a result.

Get them back on track and well rested as quickly as possible, and you’ll have your happy, healthy sleeper back in no time.

Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health Blog - baby not sleeping

Read more on toddler sleep training and how to overcome holiday sleep changes.

How much sleep do kids need?

Jenn Kelner, CPA CA

Written By: Jenn Kelner, CPA CA

Jenn Kelner is a mother of three children, including twins, and a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant at BabyZzz. Just as every family is unique, Jenn supports many different sleep methods and works directly with families to design a solution that will help them become well-rested, happy families.

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