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Creating a Healthy Sleep Environment for your Child

Baby Sleep

Many infant sleep problems are caused by environmental factors. According to the National Sleep Foundation, environmental factors to consider for good sleep include:

  • Noise
  • Temperature
  • Light
  • Sleeping surface
  • Room décor


Many babies and children have sensitive hearing and can easily awaken with any background noise.  Using white noise can drown out background noise and is soothing for many babies since it mimics the sounds of the womb.


An ideal temperature for your child’s bedroom is between 19 and 22 degrees Celsius.  A room that is too hot can disrupt your baby’s sleep.

Author Dr Dina Kulik - Kids Health Books


Your child’s sleep environment should be dark! On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is a bright sunny day and 10 is pitch black, the room should be an 8.  Too much light can impede your child’s sleep.


Make sure that there is nothing overly stimulating in the baby’s room.  Ensure that the room is decorated using pale tones.  Remove any toys from the crib that have buttons, play music, or have flashing lights (e.g. the Baby Einstein sea aquarium).

Sleeping Surface

Good quality sleep is just as important as quantity.  Once your baby enters his third month of life, it’s important that he be taking mo st of his naps in his crib or bassinet—not in the car, stroller, or swing.  Motion lulls us to sleep, but it also keeps us in a lighter, more fragmented sleep; our brains never reach the level of full restorative sleep if we’re moving.

Exhausted?  Baby still not sleeping?  I can help!  Please contact me at (416) 902-2632 or

Eva Klein, JD

Written By: Eva Klein, JD

Eva is a certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant through the International Maternity and Parenting Institute and is the founder of My Sleeping Baby. Eva’s main goal is to assist her clients establish healthy sleep habits for their children. After experiencing the debilitating effects of chronic sleep deprivation from her two children, Eva was inspired to help families overcome their sleep challenges. Eva truly empathizes with her clients’ sleep troubles and personally invests herself in their sleep journey. Eva is a proud wife and mother of two beautiful girls (who are now both great sleepers) and lives with her family in Toronto. She provides individual sleep consultations, either in-person or over the phone, and facilitates group seminars. In addition to completing her sleep consulting certification, Eva has her Bachelor of Arts from York University and her law degree from the University of Western Ontario.

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