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What Helps Constipation? What To Eat When Constipated?


What Helps Constipation? What To Eat When Constipated?

I find too many kids nowadays eat too much processed food, too little fiber, and way too little water. In fact many adults do the same.

Constipation isn’t just about how often you stool, but about the consistency as well.

Constipation isn’t just about how often you stool, but about the consistency as well. Your child should ideally stool at least once per day, it should be soft, should not hurt to push out, and it should take less than a few minutes. Many adults and kids are used to sitting on the toilet for long periods of time and pushing out hard, large volume or marble-like stools. This is not normal.


What helps constipation?


This involves more fruits, vegetables, and trying more brown pasta, rice, bread than white versions.

Some veg and fruit are lowered fiber than you may think!

Kids less than 3 years of age need about 20 g of fiber a day and kids 4-10 need about 25-30 g.

Teens and adults need 30-40g/day.

Choose high fiber versus low fiber choices more often (adapted from

Low Fiber

Medium Fiber

High Fiber

Peaches Oranges Pear and apple with skin
Melons Peeled apples and pears Mangoes
Grapes Pineapple Berries
Cucumber Banana Dried fruits
Fruit juices String beans Green pees
Tomato Broccoli Snow peas
Cauliflower Carrots Legumes
Creamed corn Corn on the cob Air popped popcorn
Potato with no skin Potato with skin (white or sweet)  
Spinach and lettuce    


Most children require a liter to 2 of water per day!

Some kids drink too much pop and other caffeinated beverages. These act as diuretics, opposite to water.


I suggest putting a child on the toilet/potty after every meal. Yes, after breakfast, lunch and dinner. This makes it so you don’t have to battle about going to the washroom. It’s routine. Happy to chat more about my toilet training method.


Once constipated, the bowel starts to stretch out, and this can take a number of months to go back to normal. Therefore, treating constipation is not a quick fix. In addition to starting more fluids and fiber, I often use medication that brings fluid into the stool, called Peg 3350. We can chat about if your child would benefit from this.

Don’t forget to watch my handy video on foods that can help with constipation!


Quick Tips:

  • Prevention is key

  • Drink up!

  • Fill up on fiber

  • Make pooing part of your routine!

Dr. Dina Kulik, MD, FRCPC, PEM

Written By: Dr. Dina Kulik, MD, FRCPC, PEM

Dina is a wife, mother of 4, and adrenaline junky. She loves to share children’s health information from her professional and personal experience. More About Dr Dina.

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