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Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy? ADHD And A Spinning Obsession


Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy? ADHD And A Spinning Obsession

I am very, very pregnant. 38 weeks pregnant in fact, and thankfully I feel amazing. I didn’t expect to feel this great actually. This is my third pregnancy, and with two very active toddler boys running around, I thought I would now be on my ass, taking endless naps and eating limitless bowls of cereal (my #1 craving). My husband was prepared for this too, and took a job where he can work partially at home, if I need him.

This is my third pregnancy, and with two very active toddler boys running around, I thought I would now be on my ass, taking endless naps and eating limitless bowls of cereal (my #1 craving).

Unlike my first two pregnancies, though nauseous, I didn’t have significant symptoms of early pregnancy. Instead, of feeling exhausted and sleeping excessively as I had done previously my fears of feeling and looking like crap for 10 months lead me to kick myself into high gear from the very beginning. I didn’t want to be embarrassed at work, I didn’t want to minimize TV appearances, I wanted to be out there.

Instead, of feeling exhausted and sleeping excessively as I had done previously my fears of feeling and looking like crap for 10 months lead me to kick myself into high gear from the very beginning.

Don’t get me wrong; I have never been a ‘lay on the couch with my feet up’ kind of girl. I am way too OCD and ADHD for that.  I am always on the move – working in too many places, chasing my kids, blogging, and running to the gym. I get bored WAY TOO easily. So I have simply continued on my usual track all pregnancy.

With this being my third pregnancy, and my obstetrician knowing me well at this point, at my 12-week appointment Dr. S says to me,

“So, you are still running marathons I suspect?”

“I clarified, “Dr S. you know I am a spin addict.”

She conceded, “Oh yes, well make sure you’re heart rate stays below 140.”

To which I replied, “Can we make it 150?”

She giggled, and said, “Sure, doctor.”

That day I went on Amazon and ordered myself a heart rate monitor. I have used it every spin class since, and have (mostly) kept my heart rate below 150, as directed.

For me, spinning is a release. It’s my ‘me time’. I feel revved up during the class and amazing after it. I need it for my mental health as well as for my body. Thankfully have had no aches or pains to date, just the odd twinge from my hips as relaxin kicks in. I sleep well through the night. I have energy to chase around my kids. And, I hardly look like I am past my first trimester.

Now I know exercise isn’t for everyone, especially while pregnant. You are exhausted, bloated, grumpy. You may be sleeping poorly. You may be nauseous. I get that.

Now I know exercise isn’t for everyone, especially while pregnant. You are exhausted, bloated, grumpy. You may be sleeping poorly. You may be nauseous. I get that. It is counterintuitive that expending energy will give you energy, but it does. I PROMISE that exercising will make you feel better, more constructive, less achy, and you may sleep better.

The best part of staying fit in pregnancy? 20, 30 times a day I am asked with shock by my patients, “You cannot be 9 months pregnant!” “No way!” “You are still spinning every day?!” The confidence boost when you are feeling heavy and slow is the best motivator!

If you are pregnant and not particularly active, there are tons of benefits to exercising in pregnancy. Taking it slow can help prevent injuries.  If you are healthy, the benefits of moderate to intense activity usually outweigh the risks. If you are beginning a new exercise routine during pregnancy, please discuss with your doctor or midwife.

What are the benefits of exercising in pregnancy?

  • Less joint discomfort
  • Fewer backaches
  • Less constipation
  • Improved sleep
  • Faster return to the pregnancy weight after delivery (who doesn’t want this?!)
  • Potentially easier labor and delivery (I labored a mere 90 min with my first!)
  • Increased endurance (infinitely helpful in long labors)
  • Less swelling to the feet and hands

Discuss with your doctor if you have:

  • High blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Contractions
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Premature rupture of membranes (broken water)

Want other tricks to help you feel amazing in pregnancy?

Have pregnancy cravings or aversions?

Learn more about pregnancy exercise.

Dr. Dina Kulik, MD, FRCPC, PEM

Written By: Dr. Dina Kulik, MD, FRCPC, PEM

Dina is a wife, mother of 4, and adrenaline junky. She loves to share children’s health information from her professional and personal experience. More About Dr Dina.

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