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Kids Yoga – A Worthwhile Obsession?


Kids Yoga – A Worthwhile Obsession?

I know it sounds hokey, and probably posh and presumptuous. I swear I am not that kind of mom — really. But my kids practice yoga. They LOVE yoga, and are excited every Saturday or Sunday morning to accompany me to my spinning studio where they partake in a kids yoga class while I sweat it out with the other parents doing the same.

He was thrilled to have learned tons of new ‘poses’ and was eager to show me. 

The first time I brought my older son Dylan to yoga it was for babysitting purposes. I admit it. I wanted to get my workout in and give my husband a break at home. He often cares for my kids when I am out working long hours, so he deserved it. From the very first class though, Dylan was enamoured. He was thrilled to have learned tons of new ‘poses’ and was eager to show me. He was two years old at the time.

To read the full article click here.

Dr. Dina Kulik, MD, FRCPC, PEM

Written By: Dr. Dina Kulik, MD, FRCPC, PEM

Dina is a wife, mother of 4, and adrenaline junky. She loves to share children’s health information from her professional and personal experience. More About Dr Dina.

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