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Healthy Fats for your Child’s Mind and Body


Healthy Fats Are Key For Your Child’s Development

Healthy fats are a very important part of a child’s diet and should include about 25% of their daily food intake. Healthy fats are a crucial component in:

  • Energy
  • Building cell structure
  • Brain function
  • Making certain hormones
  • Healthy skin

Fats are also required to transport other nutrients into the body, such as the fat-soluble vitamins A, D E and K.

When it comes to healthy fats, quality is VERY important. Here are a few of the healthy fats you want to include in your child’s diet everyday.

Enjoy some healthy fats everyday. Your kids will feel better and function better all day long!

Leading Healthy Fat: Avocado

I know some kids won’t eat it straight up, but if you start young they may acquire a taste for it. A little sea salt helps too! Mixing avocado into a smoothie or a salad dressing or even a pasta sauce, makes the food creamier and tastier. Best of all it gets in unnoticed! Avocado is a monosaturated fat, high in the fatty acid called oleic acid which helps decrease inflammation in the body, helps absorb fat-soluble nutrients and antioxidants and even keeps our heart healthy.

Chia Seed

These edible seeds are becoming increasingly popular and are becoming easier to find in many local grocery stores. They are a versatile, superfood (so amazing they got their own section separate from the other seeds below). You want to stock your pantry with these super seeds and add them to an array of different foods for your kids-sprouted chia seeds usually work best. They are easy to slip into (and hide) in smoothies, cereal, pasta, salad dressing and more. Very high in Omega 3, which helps reduce inflammation and heal the digestive system.

Cold-pressed Olive Oil

when you buy “cold pressed” you know that the process to make the oil has not destroyed the properties of the healthy olive by using heat and chemicals. Olive oil is a monosaturated fat, which is a stable oil to cook with it as it can withstand higher temperatures that some other oils.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is a plant-based saturated fat. When it is unrefined and not modified, it is a very healthy oil. It is a medium chain fatty acid that provides energy, helps balance blood sugar and boosts immune system function. It is easy to add into recipes and smoothies and great to cook with, as it is very stable in heat.

Raw Nuts

Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Cashews, Brazil Nuts etc.

Chop some raw nuts and keep them handy in the fridge or freezer, ready to pull out to add to cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, and salads. Just a handful a day packs in some great vitamins and minerals. These healthy fats will keep you fuller longer, give you energy and are also a good source of protein. Mix them up!! If you really want them roasted, buy them raw and put them in the oven yourself for minimal time, which equals maximum nutrients. Most also come in the form of  nut butters which are also great to spread on toast for a nutritious breakfast or on an apple for a great snack.


Sunflower, Pumpkin, Sesame and Hemp.

These little seeds are small but they are packed with BIG amounts of vitamins, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. They are a great source of healthy fats and protein and can be fun for kids to eat and even for the little ones to count! Eat them plain or in a trail mix (add to your nuts) or sprinkle on cereal, oatmeal, yogurt and salads. You can even add them into your baking. Raw is best, but roasting at home for a short time in the oven is ok too! Spread these seed butter on apples or toast for a nutritious meal or snack.

Enjoy some healthy fats everyday.

Your kids will feel better and function better all day long!

Dr Dina Kulik, Kids Health Blog - Girls Learn Differently

Jennifer Kranc RHN, RNCP

Written By: Jennifer Kranc RHN, RNCP

Nutritional Healing for Kids was founded by Jennifer Kranc, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, who works to educate parents on healing their children with therapeutic nutrition.

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