Jana Charyk

Written By: Jana Charyk

Jana is a registered Chiropodist. She owns and operates Ajax Foot Clinic in Durham Region. She treats foot conditions and offers foot care to people of all ages. Jana is a wife and a mother of two.

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Baby and Toddler Shoes for Girls and Boys

Appearance & Well Being

Baby and Toddler Shoes for Girls and Boys

We all want what is best for our children, so why not start from the very beginning.   From the moment our children are born they are constantly growing. Anyone who has had a child will tell you that they just grow too fast. Children’s feet are also growing at a rapid rate. In fact, before the age of three is when the greatest growth and changes occur in their feet. New and experienced parents alike are often wondering what is the best footwear to have their kids in while they are learning to walk.

When dressing an infant, it is best to avoid shoes all together. Simply put, they don’t need them.

An infant needs something to keep them warm and cozy; socks, sleepers, or blankets will do the job. Shoes are too restricting for them. As they get a little older and begin to take their first steps is when you will want to consider getting them into some footwear. While they are learning to walk, cruising and holding your fingers for a few steps at a time, the best thing is a soft-soled shoe; like Robeez or a pre-walker Stride Rite. The bones in a child’s foot are still developing. They don’t stop developing until they are well into their teens.

When it comes to footwear I recommend you buy brand new.

Once children have become steady on their feet and are walking on their own, it is best to get them into a sturdy and more supportive shoe. At this stage, kids are very active and their feet take on quite a lot. You will want a toddler shoes for girls and boys with good shock absorption and a well-made, durable sole; like New Balance.  However, whether your child is a pre walker or walking on their own, it is always most beneficial to them to be barefoot. Shoes should be reserved for the times when you are out in public. At home, keep their feet au natural. Let their bones develop without any restriction and the way they were meant to.

It is best to have your child’s foot measured professionally about every 6 months during these early stages.

Because kids do grow so fast, they grow out of toys, clothes, and shoes before you know it; it is tempting to take hand-me-downs when they are offered to you. However, when it comes to footwear I recommend you buy brand new. Shoes should fit with enough room to grow while at the same time fitting snug enough to prevent the foot from moving forward while walking. It is best to have your child’s foot measured professionally about every 6 months during these early stages.  Some other brands of shoes for children to keep in mind are See Kai Run, Asics, Geox, and Pediped.

Jana Charyk

Written By: Jana Charyk

Jana is a registered Chiropodist. She owns and operates Ajax Foot Clinic in Durham Region. She treats foot conditions and offers foot care to people of all ages. Jana is a wife and a mother of two.

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